Is Arlington the Safest Place to Live?
View this TikTok opinion and make your own judgment:

Annual Meeting
Zoom link:

September 18th CCCA Meeting
Registration Link:
Memos, Letters and more Memos
In June 2024, we are writing a large number of memos and letters. With all of the events of the area, we are trying to represent the citizens as best we can. You can check our letters page for the complete list. Among the most recent ones are to JBGS…
County Awards Mini-Grant to the CCCA
The County has awarded the CCCA a mini-grant of $500 for our joint CCCA proposal with the Sustainable Scoop (SS) and the Friends of Urban Agriculture (FOUA): Urban Agriculture Family Day at Highlands Urban Garden (HUG). This project fits well with the County’s new initiative with FOUA, supported by Board…
Breaking Bad News: JBG Closes All Retail in the Underground
The Crystal City Underground has been a foundation of Crystal City since the city was built by Charles E. Smith Company in the 1960s. The Underground was innovative when created in 1976 and remains near and dear to the heart of residents. Thus, the announcement on April 30, 2024, that…
Bad News: We’re losing the Crystal City Library
Instead of providing a 10-year lease for a temporary library at 1901 S Bell, JBG has agreed to a County request for $5.8 million over several years to fund a library somewhere else in Crystal City. This is an example of the flawed community benefit process as we’ve long expected this benefit…
Candidates Night at Amazon’s HQ2 April 17, 2024
Confused about whom to vote for in June and November for the County Board? Livability22202, which consists of the three civic associations in 22202 zip code (Arlington Ridge, Aurora Highlands, Crystal City), has organized a Meet the County Board Candidates Night April 17 from 7-9 pm. The event is hosted…
Livability22202 letter on the Monumental Arena
On February 23, the combined 22202 civic associations of Livability22202–Arlington Ridge, Aurora Highlands, and Crystal City–sent a joint letter of concern to our legislators Virginia Senator Adam Ebbin and Representative Adele McClure. “At this time we ask that you, as our elected officials, represent our concerns and advocate for ourneeds….
Monumental Entertainment Transportation Issues
Crystal City Civic Association has sent a memo on several issues with the Transportation Plan:
January 17, 2024 CCCA Meeting
Below is the video. I did not start the recording at the very start. The recording starts after the Officer Reports.
Annual Meeting!
Zoom Link:
September 20th CCCA Meeting
On September 20th at 7:00 at at 251 S 18th Street, we will have our September Meeting. Zoom Registration is here. Agenda: County Transportation Projects JBGS Projects Crystal House 6 Project
Two Presentations on the area!
The first is a powerpoint from JBGS. It is full of facts, figures and maps! The 2nd is an Amazon Video:
Army-Navy Drive Complete Street Project
Army Navy Drive is going to be under construction for the next few years. Expect delays and detours! More Details here.
May 17, 2023 CCCA Meeting
We had a meeting on May 17th and the following pdf’s were presented. Philip did not have a presentation, but reported on the progress on MetPark. Amazon is going to 3 days in the office and expects several thousand employees with in a month.
May 2023 Meeting!
Zoom at: And in person at 251 S 18th Street.
March CCCA Meeting
Wednesday March 29th at 7:00 we will hold our March Meeting. The meeting will be hybrid at 251 South 15th Street (normal location) and on zoom. The link to register for the zoom meeting is here. The Arlington County Police will make a presentation. An additional presentation will be added.
January 2023 CCCA Meeting
On January 18th we held our January meeting in a hybrid format. Below are the powerpoint slide and the video:
January Meeting
Wed. Jan 18, 2023 NOTE: This is a hybrid meeting. Participants may choose to either: Topics include:
2022 Annual Meeting
On November 16, 2022 we held our Annual Meeting. Slides presented included:
Annual Meeting- Wed. Nov. 16, 2022- 7PM
NOTE: This is a hybrid meeting. Participants may choose to either: Register for Zoom meeting or Attend in-person. Anyone wishing to attend in person may come to the conference room at 251 S 18th Street (Wells Fargo Building where Precinct 006 Crystal City voters vote). We’ll be there! Topics include: Should events be allowed…
Officer Nominations
Nominations — including self-nominations — are now open for the following three CCCA officer positions! The principal duties are summarized below. All members whose dues are paid are eligible to nominate, be candidates and to vote in the election at the CCCA Annual General Meeting on the evening of November…
Update on CC2DCA Bridge
The proposed bridge from Crystal City to DCA has a major update. They have picked an alternative in the NEPA process and this is good news! For more info, please see the brochure.
Digital eCheckup
Arlington County has launched a broadband study to better understand our community’s internet use and access. As part of this work, we’re asking residents and businesses to participate in a digital eCheckup. It is critical that we hear from those who may not have adequate access or connectivity so we understand…
September CCCA Meeting
Thanks to all who presented or asked questions! The base powerpoint is: The video is:
Agenda for September Meeting
CCCA updates and reminders. 10-15 Minutes 2. Transportation Options without Metro– 10-15 Minutes Metro is having a ton of construction. What are the alternatives? 3. Marine Corps Marathon (Director) 10- Minutes 4. Update from the Bid on a parklet 10- Minutes 5. JBGS Construction and Permit Update 1 hour 6. General Questions – Rest of…
September Newsletter and September 14 Meeting
Message from CCCA’s President On September 14th (Wednesday) at 7pm we will have our next CCCA meeting. We will have an update from JBGS on all of their construction projects, a presentation by the County transportation staff on alternatives for Metro. We will have one more presentation that has not been…
CCCA August 2022 Newsletter
Click here to download Message from CCCA’s President Livability22202 is looking at the problem of crime in the area. We are meeting with the police and are looking for volunteers to work on the issue. If you are interested, please email me at: [email protected]. Last month we did a survey…
VDOT Multimodal Project for Route 1
Update as of July 14, 2022 VDOT held a virtual public information meeting #2 June 21. Watch the meeting video here. Comments were requested by Friday, July 15. Livability22202 and the People Before Cars Coalition submitted a letter of joint comments on July 7, focusing on areas of agreement. This was a follow-up to the joint…
Happy Fourth of July!
July Newsletter is Out – click here to download July 4 Announcement of Road Closures and places to View the Fireworks: See inside the Newsletter for details Message from CCCA’s President We have a survey about Park Names! Three parks around the new Amazon HQ2 need names. In the map…
In Crystal City there has been several events that concern the local community. As a result, the three civic associations wrote a letter to the police department: The Response from Captain Scott Linder: Eric, Kateri and Cory, Thank you for the letter and for sharing your concerns over recent incidents…
Livability 22202 Working Group on Route 1Meeting June 15, 2022
The CCCA sponsored a meeting of Livability22202 and the 3 civic associations on June 15 to prepare residents for the upcoming VDOT Public Information meeting on June 21. It was a good overview of why VDOT is conducting a feasibility study on bringing Route 1 down to grade, what we…
Two Route 1 Meetings: June 15th 7:00 pm and June 21 6:30 pm!
Learn all about Route 1 Proposed Changes! VDOT is studying REMOVING the bridges over 15th and 18th Streets. Both intersections are proposed to be ‘at grade’. What would make an at-grade Route 1 intersection with 18th Street South safe for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders? How much space is really…
CCCA June Newsletter is Out
Click here to download. Message from CCCA’s President Thanks to everyone who joined us virtually and in person for our May meeting on transportation. Our next regular meeting will be in September, but we will have a special meeting on June 15 to cover Route 1. This meeting will be…
Housing Renter Study
The housing workgroup of Livability 22202 is a community, volunteer-run effort in our neighborhood to address unmet housing needs. We know there have been a lot of changes in the past year, especially in terms of cost of living and housing. As development continues, Housing Livability 22202 is curious about…
May Meeting Summary
Amazon, Dweck, and Route 1 were on the May 18 CCCA meeting agenda. Patrick Phillippi, Senior Manager of Amazon’s Public Engagement, spoke about Metropolitan Park, currently under construction at 15th and South Fern St. The area will be finished next year and host public facing events such as movie nights and…