This has been a hard month for us all. But it’s times like these when we can truly pull together as a community–even if we have to keep six feet between us at all times.
Life in the time of Coronavirus: The allusion to Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ 1985 novel “Life in the Time of Cholera” is apt right now. The news is all COVID-19. I hope you are all keeping well in this time of crisis. Will things ever be normal again? We can expect that life will be different for us–just as it was after 9/11–once the first wave of the virus has passed. But keeping in mind the flu of 1918, we need to prepare for the second wave (likely in Fall) and the third (likely next Spring). Keep your guard and your hopes up. By June, we may know better where things are headed. Please note that we are keeping up a constant barrage of information about COVID-19 on our Facebook page and Nextdoor.com for Crystal City–which are much easier and faster than other means of communication. Since many of you don’t follow either of these, the Newsletter this month includes a number of web sites and phone numbers for getting information and help during this time.
All CCCA Meetings and Workshops are canceled and will be rescheduled when possible Please stay safe. We look forward to starting up our meetings and seeing you again on the other side of the crisis.
Just a few notes:
1. Census 2020: April 1 is the day for the count! As of March 31, Crystal City was at a 36.6% response rate, whereas Arlington County overall was at 43.8%. If you haven’t yet responded, please do so ASAP–by internet, phone, or mail.
2. AFAC Food Drive: Following on the great success of the three civic associations in gathering food for the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) on March 21, we have partnered with the Crystal City (aka National Landing) BID, Flare Rides, and a number of property managers to participate in an indefinite collection of food. All multifamily apartment and condo building managers were contacted a week ago and asked to put out AFAC food donation boxes and eight responded positively. See the list in the Newsletter. If your building isn’t participating, you might ask your property manager about doing so. While many of us in Crystal City “may” be doing ok, a lot of others in the County are not. Food donations to AFAC from grocery stores have dried up as folks have stocked up and emptied the shelves. AFAC needs our help in order to help others who are not so privileged.
3. GAO Surveys on Airport and Helicopter Noise: The U.S. Government Accountability Office, the audit and review agency of Congress, is currently conducting two studies related to aircraft activity and potential noise in the D.C. area. The first study focuses on Washington Reagan National Airport’s perimeter rule and is examining how this rule affects air service and at other local airports and aircraft noise, among other topics. The second study is a review of helicopter activity and noise in the D.C. area, including an examination of potential strategies for addressing helicopter noise in the area. They are interviewing a variety of civic associations and community groups on these topics and the impact in their neighborhoods, and have scheduled a teleconference for the CCCA on April 15 from 11-12 noon. They have provided a questionnaire in advance to take a survey of concerns and experiences of Crystal City residents. I would welcome anyone who would like to participate in this teleconference. At a minimum, I would greatly appreciate receiving your input on this questionnaire which you can send to my email address directly by April 13: [email protected].
Your President
Carol Fuller