Apologies for the technical difficulties in live streaming on Facebook and delay in posting subsequently. You can view it on YouTube here or on Facebook here, even if you don’t have a Facebook account. It was a very good and informative meeting with two excellent presentations: the Long Bridge Park Aquatic Center and the National Park Service general presentation of projects in our area.

The fee schedule is included in the Aquatic Center presentation and can also be seen here. The slide show presentation is very large and will be uploaded when the County provides us with a link. In the meantime, you can see photos on the project website here.

The slide show presentation by the NPS can be viewed here. It was disappointing however to learn that the 2012 study for Roaches Run went nowhere and will have to be redone. But that will only happen if we convince the County Board that this is important. Stay tuned for more information on a coming campaign to urge an ecological development of Roaches Run.
How can citizens get involved and help? To help with invasive plants, look for Weed Warrior training and then sign up. Also, check the NPS volunteer web site to see specific volunteer opportunities (mostly group activities) or join the appropriate NPS Friends Group.